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Results of the bioinformatics needs survey

Results of the bioinformatics needs survey

The French Institute of Bioinformatics (IFB) publishes the results of its survey of the life sciences and bioinformatics communities. The main objective of this survey was to orient the IFB's actions towards the real expectations of the user communities. It aimed to measure the changing needs of the life sciences communities. This report therefore addresses several topics, including:

  • Exponential increase in storage and computing requirements
  • Growing need for bioinformatics skills and competencies
  • Use of specific software resources that evolve rapidly
  • Access to specialized databases
  • Need to control the entire processing chain to guarantee the openness and reproducibility of results (Data Management Plan, workflows, software environments)

To cite this document :
Lauriou Suzanne, Médigue Claudine, Milanesi Sylvain, Ouahioune Hamid, Saenz Angela, Sand Olivier, & van Helden Jacques. (2022). Rapport d'enquête sur l'usage et les besoins en ressources bioinformatiques. Zénodo.

Utilisateurs ? Merci de nous citer !

To cite this document :
Lauriou Suzanne, Médigue Claudine, Milanesi Sylvain, Ouahioune Hamid, Saenz Angela, Sand Olivier, & van Helden Jacques. (2022). Rapport d'enquête sur l'usage et les besoins en ressources bioinformatiques.

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