The IFB Steering Committee is composed of :
the Scientific Coordinator also designated as Executive Director
the 3 Deputy Directors
and members of the IFB, chosen among the representatives of the Platforms or the persons in charge of the actions of the roadmap
The list of members of the Steering Committee is as follows :
- Guy Perrière (CNRS, Lyon)
- Anne-Françoise Adam Blondon (INRAe, Versailles)
- Morgane Thomas-Chollier (ENS-PSL, Paris)
- Jacques van Helden (Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille)
- Gildas Le Corguillé (Sorbonnne Université, Roscoff)
- Christophe Blanchet (CNRS, Lyon)
- Hélène Chiapello (INRAe, Jouy en Josas)
- Christine Gaspin (INRAe, Toulouse)
- Julien Seiler (CNRS, Strasbourg)
- Yves Vandenbrouck (CEA, Grenoble)
Each member may be assisted by any person of his or her choice. In this case, they must inform the Steering Committee in writing, at the attention of the Executive Director. It is understood that the persons invited will have no voting rights. In the event of a partial or a total renewal of the Steering Committee, its new composition is proposed to the Governing Council by unanimity of the outgoing members of the Steering Committee.
The Steering Committee's main tasks are to:
- Coordinate the infrastructure and define its investment policy in order to ensure the successful implementation of the programme and projects
- Organise and supervise the conduct of technical assessments and results
- Ensure the widest possible dissemination of the results of the above mentioned evaluations (I suppose this is what Is meant) to all partner platforms and units and more generally to users
- Convene, as often as is useful, the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) and the User Community Committee (UCC); organise the meetings of these bodies, and ensure that the ensuing recommandations are acted upon.
- Coordinate the implementation of the programme and projects
- Work, in consultation with the partner platforms and units, on setting up a pricing policy between the different platforms. A standard and transparent pricing policy for the infrastructure will be established and communicated to the users of the infrastructure services.
- Coordinate the reporting of infrastructure’s activities to the ANR and organise the regular evaluation of the infrastructure by the appropriate authorities (evaluation of scientific results and services provided to the community).
- Propose to the Governing Council changes to the list of infrastructure partner platforms and units.
In order to fulfil its missions, the Steering Committee may request the assistance of the persons in charge of the work packages (WPAL operational unit), the persons in charge of the different platforms (CIPI operational unit) and the partner units. The Steering Committee meets at least twice a month at the request and under the direction of the Executive Director. Decisions are taken by consensus of all members present or represented. The agenda is drawn up by the Executive Director on the proposal of the Steering Committee. The written minutes of each meeting are drawn up by one or more members of the Steering Committee and made available to the members of the Steering Committee in the IFB's shared documentation area.