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The IFB makes its national
infrastructure available to trainers

  • Total Compute (#CPU HT*) : 6080
  • Total Storage (#TB) : 1026
  • Total RAM (#GB) : 28540
Demande de compteDocumentation

      An infrastructure for your trainings

      You're a trainer and you're looking for a solution to host your training sessions for variable durations?

      IFB supports training (university courses, scientific schools, continuing education, workshops, hackathons, etc.) by providing a bioinformatics and IT infrastructure with adapted tools. Whether by setting up dedicated virtual machines on Biosphere (the IFB's federation of clouds) or by creating shared workspaces on the IFB's Core-cluster, trainers can access computing resources and specific bioinformatics environments for their students.

      Applications procedures are as follows :

      Use cluster
      USE Cloud

      Use IFB Core Cluster :

      The IFB cluster can host training sessions for variable durations (from one-day workshops to training sessions lasting several months)

      The training can be done :

      • from the login node of the cluster in ssh
      • or from Open Ondemand portal to use JupyterLab or Rstudio
      • or from

      Access to the Rstudio Server and JupyterLab tools is possible via the Open Ondemand portal . Here you'll find a presentation page  and documentation to help you discover Open OnDemand.

      For please refer directly to point #5.

      We must have all the information related to the training (tools to install, student accounts to create, reservation to create etc..) at least 15 days before the beginning of the training.

      1. Request for Service

      To ensure the best possible experience, we ask instructors to contact us via email.

      We then ask instructors to fill out a form, "the service request", which allows us to gather instructors' needs for tools, banks and student accounts.

      Shared project folders are created to allow instructors, tutors and trainees to work in identical, private workspaces.

      We follow a yynn_acromy-of-training nomenclature for training projects.

      The project is then accessible on the cluster in /shared/projects/, for example /shared/projects/2301_etbii

      Finally, a customized software environment is created (Conda environment), which guarantees the reproducibility of the results, the reuse of the learning material for other trainings and the portability of the whole software environment.

      The service request allows you to request the installation of particular banks or tools if they are not yet available on the cluster.

      1. Creation of trainer and student accounts

      We ask the trainers to have a nominative account

      Request your account

      For student accounts we recommend:

      • generic accounts such as student1, student2 etc. in the case of short courses (in any case less than a month).
      • nominative accounts for longer courses.

      The IFB Core Cluster team can create generic accounts for you.

      For nominative accounts, students can request an account on by specifying the name of the project used for the training. Nominal accounts also allow students to continue to use the cluster after the courses.

      The trainer as owner of the project can then add the students to the project. If this solution is not possible, we can also create student accounts in batch from a list.

      Note that we ask all our users to provide an academic address, not a gmail or outlook address ....


      1.  Special needs for the project

      If you need particular sub-folders in the project, then you must explain your needs in the service request.

      For example, you can have a data sub-folder, which will be read-only for students. Or a sub-project per student, which will be read-only for the other students but write-only for the student and the instructor.

      Once your needs are explained in the service request, we will set up these subfolders for you.


      1. Reservation of compute nodes

      We can reserve compute nodes for your training. A reservation is useful in the case of short courses such as PT, where it is crucial not to have latency or performance problems.

      To use the reservation the learner will have to execute the command: `module load training/<training name>`.


      1. Specific case of

      The instance uses its own authentication system, separate from the cluster.

      It is not currently possible to create anonymous accounts but note that account openings are fast on and do not require any validation step.

      Training requests can be made directly on


      Use Biosphère , the IFB Clouds federation :

      Follow detailled
      application procedure
      • Total Compute (#CPU HT*) : 6280
      • Total Storage (#TB) : 1046
      • Total RAM (#GB) : 29340
      Account requestDocumentation
      Logo de l'institut Français de Bioinformatique
      • Location : Orsay (IDRIS)
      • Compute (#CPU HT*) : 4300
      • Storage (#TB) : 2400
      • RAM (#GB) : 20008
      • RAM/core (#GB) : 4.65
      • GPU (#Card) : -
      Account RequestCommunity supportDocumentation
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