The PIA3 project Shared digital spaces for life sciences (MUDIS4LS) outlines the next roadmap of the French Institute of Bioinformatics.
The IFB submitted an ambitious project Mutualised Digital Spaces for FAIR data in Life and Health Sciences (MUDIS4LS) gathering 39 teams from 14 organisations, 4 national data centres, 7 regional data centres and 6 national data-producing infrastructures. The allocated budget will finance the purchase of servers and fast storage, which will be pooled to provide hosting, computing and storage services for 22 IFB platforms, and will allow 13 people to be recruited to ensure the start-up of the services. The project has received strong support from the supervisory authorities (CNRS, INRAe, Inserm, CEA et INRIA), which have committed to maintaining 7 posts over the next 4 years.
MUDIS4LS builds on the previous skills and experience of the IFB platforms: the national network of IT resources (NNCR) and its shared task forces; the active development of the interoperability working group; the machine usable Data Management Plans (maDMP); support for life sciences and health communities to deposit their data in international open access repositories (data brokering). It also includes a strong training component to empower life scientists to manage, analyse and share their research data.
The relevance of the project for the end-user communities will be demonstrated through 3 case studies covering various application areas and addressing the issue of multi-omics data integration and sharing: (1) combining imagery data with other omics data; (2) marine biology; (3) health (addressing the challenges of health data hosting); (4) microbial research; (5) agriculture.
Overall, MUDIS4LS will promote Open Science by providing life scientists with all the keys to make their data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR).