At the launch of the second National Plan for Open Science, it was announced that Recherche Data Gouv would be created: the federated national platform for research data, which will operate through thematic reference centers for open science (CRTSO). In this context, the IFB has been asked to assume the role of CRTSO for the Biology-Health domain as a research infrastructure.
The objective of a CRTSO is to propose a repository of tools, best practices, and vocabularies to support and implement the FAIRization of research data, and open science in general. This includes, in fact, a mission of animation of scientific communities, completed by a mission of design and innovation.
The IFB is currently working on coordinating its actions and structuring its operation as a Biology-Health CRTSO. Beyond the inventory and the sum of Open Science initiatives, already in place or planned at the IFB, it seems important to build together a coherent service offer for the whole community.